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  • 2017/01/13 00:41:50
  • 10years
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  • 2017/01/13 00:41:50
  1. 觀看影片 暨南國際大學 黃韋愷 耿翎祐 張真 江紹維 黃詒家 許哲鳴 《這張臉》

    1.暨南國際大學 黃韋愷 耿翎祐 張真 江紹維 黃詒家 許哲鳴 《這張臉》

    鏡頭 光線 向時間借一個瞬間 保存 故鄉的天
    凝視 焦點 看著已經泛黃照片 退色 青春的臉

    你已經 改變 變得不像從前 退卻 妥協
    曾經 自信滿滿的臉 為何你不再往前

    存在過 轉眼間 消失不見 低頭埋葬 每個昨天
    失去後 留不住 誰的從前 盡力改變 每一個明天
    歡笑眼淚 過往雲煙 最後一次機會 用力的跨越

    你已經 厭倦 厭倦總在跟隨 退卻 妥協
    曾經 被遺忘的起點 在心中慢慢浮現

  2. 觀看影片 中正大學 許承彥 洪苡芮 李承恩 陳祈瑋《山海》

    2.中正大學 許承彥 洪苡芮 李承恩 陳祈瑋《山海》

    我看著 天真的我自己
    出現在 沒有我的故事裡
    等待著 我的回應
    一個為何至此 的原因

    他明白 他明白 我給不起
    他明白 他明白 我給不起

    我聽見那少年的聲音 在還有未來的過去
    渴望著 美好結局 卻沒能成為自己

    他明白 他明白 我給不起
    他明白 他明白 我給不起

  3. 觀看影片 嘉南藥理大學 邱子軒 潘昱廷 魏嘉儀 李孟蓁 蔡宏志 唐宏為 《Isn't she lovely》

    3.嘉南藥理大學 邱子軒 潘昱廷 魏嘉儀 李孟蓁 蔡宏志 唐宏為 《Isn't she lovely》

    Isn't she lovely
    Isn't she wonderful
    Isn't she precious
    Less than one minute old
    I never thought through love we'd be
    Making one as lovely as she
    But isn't she lovely made from love

    Isn't she pretty
    Truly the angel's best
    Boy, I'm so happy
    We have been heaven blessed
    I can't believe what God has done
    Through us he's given life to one
    But isn't she lovely made from love

    Isn't she lovely
    Life and love are the same
    Life is Aisha
    The meaning of her name
    Londie, it could have not been done
    Without you who conceived the one
    That's so very lovely made from love

  4. 觀看影片 台灣師範大學 劉敏涵 劉芸禎 陳從廉 《Summertime sadness》

    4.台灣師範大學 劉敏涵 劉芸禎 陳從廉 《Summertime sadness》

    Kiss me hard before you go
    Summertime sadness
    I just wanted you to know
    That, baby, you're the best

    I got my red dress on tonight
    Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight
    Done my hair up real big beauty queen style
    High heels off, I'm feeling alive

    Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
    Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare
    Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
    Nothing scares me anymore

    (1, 2, 3, 4)

    Kiss me hard before you go
    Summertime sadness
    I just wanted you to know
    That, baby, you're the best

    I got that summertime, summertime sadness
    S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
    Got that summertime, summertime sadness
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

    I'm feelin' electric tonight
    Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99
    Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
    I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight

    Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
    Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare
    Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
    Nothing scares me anymore

    (1, 2, 3, 4)

    Kiss me hard before you go
    Summertime sadness
    I just wanted you to know
    That, baby, you're the best

    I got that summertime, summertime sadness
    S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
    Got that summertime, summertime sadness
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

    Think I'll miss you forever
    Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
    Later's better than never
    Even if you're gone I'm gonna drive (drive, drive)

    I got that summertime, summertime sadness
    S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
    Got that summertime, summertime sadness
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

    Kiss me hard before you go
    Summertime sadness
    I just wanted you to know
    That, baby, you're the best

    I got that summertime, summertime sadness
    S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
    Got that summertime, summertime sadness
    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

  5. 觀看影片 亞洲大學 周妤 鄭冠豪《燈光》

    5.亞洲大學 周妤 鄭冠豪《燈光》

    一個人走在路上 不知道是第幾晚上
    已沒有人來人往 也沒有城市交響
    入夜後的台北 很漂亮
    但怎麼卻感覺 很悲傷

    大概是又想起你說 說我像個太陽
    24小時開朗 為人照亮
    但其實你說謊 你知道
    若沒有你我根本就沒有辦法 發光
    你很健忘 沒你在旁 哪裡來的力量
    感傷 這一切都已經成過往
    如果時光回放 多渴望告訴你

    我不想做太陽 我不想再逞強
    我只想為你 做一盞燈光

    你不必再流浪 你不必再心慌
    不必再去想 不必再去扛

    一個人走在路上 漫無目的地遊蕩
    看著路燈的昏黃 把陰影拉好長
    長到我 怎麼樣 都追不上
    沒有你 我永遠 都追不上

    大概是又想起你說 說我像個太陽
    24小時開朗 為人照亮
    現在聽來誇張 你知道
    若沒有你我根本就沒有辦法 發光
    你不健忘 你是善良 為了讓我堅強
    感傷 這一切都已經成過往
    如果時光回放 我一定告訴你

    我不想做太陽 我不想再逞強
    我只想為你 做一盞燈光

    你不必再流浪 你不必再心慌
    不必再去想 不必再去扛

    我不想做太陽 不想再逞強
    我只想做你 心裡的燈光

    我不會再假裝 我不會再說謊


  6. 觀看影片 嘉南藥理大學 蘇俊豪 凃育庭 邱淑蟬 江虹臻 劉希儒 鄭權祐 《痛快的哀艷》

    6.嘉南藥理大學 蘇俊豪 凃育庭 邱淑蟬 江虹臻 劉希儒 鄭權祐 《痛快的哀艷》

    整個星群 無人不病
    只是要比 誰病得輕
    細菌持續蔓延 突然潛伏又越來越高

    白日低吟 一臉冷靜
    夜晚解禁 放聲詬病
    細菌持續蔓延 突然潛伏又越來越高

    沒人能離開 沒人能離開
    沒人得到理睬 沒人得到理睬
    沒人可能隱埋 沒人可能隱埋
    沒人能例外 沒人能例外

    來繼續崇拜 來繼續耍賴 來繼續萌芽更多的鬼胎
    繼續被欺瞞 繼續被出賣 繼續廉價地證明自己所存在

    白鴿沾染 黑色塵埃
    綠樹記載 血紅陰霾
    我想跑開 無法跑開
    我想期待 沒有期待


  7. 觀看影片 台北教育大學 史斯宇 葉世康《Good Intent》

    7.台北教育大學 史斯宇 葉世康《Good Intent》

    You heard the crickets of the early eve
    They lurk around the opening in two's and three's
    Clementine told you not to move with the breeze
    I'll take you down to places where we dare not speak

    The red light in the doorway says she's armed
    But boy go try your luck and you might get pass
    Step into the dwelling of the liger's mouth
    Peer into the panic for a kick and swell
    You know you shouldn't be there but it's way past bed
    There's comfort in the fingers of your good intent
    You know you shouldn't be there but your money's all spent
    You've got your reputation and your good intent
    Your good intent

    Out to feed that habit when you've sowed that seed
    Nothing made you feel out of the ordinary
    But the air turns sombre and the night took heed
    Took you on a waltz of hypocrisy
    She broke your bones, now you're lying in the dirt
    The shadow of a hunter under your torture
    It's not enough to say, it's not what's in your heart
    You've tainted every moment till death do we part

    I know you didn't mean it, boy you meant so well
    The pennies are cascading down your wishing well
    I know you didn't mean it when you counted to ten
    You're slipping through the fingers of your good intent

    I know you didn't mean it, though you meant so well
    The pennies are cascading down your wishing well
    I know you didn't mean it when you counted to ten
    You've got your reputation and your good intent
    Such a good intent

    It's not enough to hope for the best
    It's not enough to lie there on a breast
    The liger's on the prowl now you've pulled its strings
    One false move and soon you're playing dice for a-

  8. 觀看影片 亞洲大學 花岳揚 劉廣程 李宜儒 《大藝術家》

    8.亞洲大學 花岳揚 劉廣程 李宜儒 《大藝術家》


    他眼神湛藍 像從愛琴海邊剛歸來
    上半身像詩人 下半身像流浪漢
    妳愛他神祕 愛他危險 YEAH
    愛他頹廢 愛他的優越
    他心裡的野獸 比畢卡索更狂野
    桃花比村上隆 畫的更氾濫鮮豔
    他愛妳隨和 愛妳方便 YEAH

    妳自我催眠 他是藝術家
    妳給他色盤 去拼貼背叛
    他不是梵谷 也不是莫內
    他的模特兒 卻都從來不缺少 HR
    面對妳他裝的 乖的 乖的
    背對妳卻亂來 壞的 壞的
    他只想蒐集 更多 芭比娃娃

    Wake up 妳是大藝術家
    Wake up 別再做慈善家
    那種美能讓 維納斯誕生

    妳無需忍受他的 人在曹營心在漢
    要學會放下不甘 戒掉母性氾濫
    他要妳讓讓 妳就讓讓 YEAH
    說的愛妳 只是嚷嚷

    他的 博愛 始終沒有極限
    複製 謊言 瓶頸不曾出現
    妳該說再見 就說再見 YEAH

    妳自我催眠 他是藝術家
    妳給他色盤 去拼貼背叛
    他不是梵谷 也不是莫內
    他的模特兒 卻都從來不缺少HR
    面對妳他裝的 乖的 乖的
    背對妳卻亂來 壞的 壞的
    他只想蒐集 更多 芭比娃娃

    Wake up 妳是大藝術家
    Wake up 別再做慈善家
    那種美能讓 維納斯誕生

    美不美麗 不是安迪沃荷能決定
    大藝術家 要有屬於自己的感性

    愛過就要 擁有勇敢放手的淡定
    大藝術家 會讓愛情再文藝復興

    Wake up 妳是大藝術家
    Wake up 別再做慈善家
    那種美能讓 維納斯誕生

  9. 觀看影片 中正大學 曾湧翔 連珮綺 林松佑 謝鴻偉 張建欽 楊宗翰 邱莉晴《玩墮落》

    9.中正大學 曾湧翔 連珮綺 林松佑 謝鴻偉 張建欽 楊宗翰 邱莉晴《玩墮落》

    葉子落的七點鐘 熟睡的人沉沉好夢
    望著窗外的雨落 小鳥不知在叫什麼
    嘴裡刁著紅Marlboro 反正沒幾年能好活
    還不懂 想破頭 沒理由

    習慣性的夜半鐘 敲破了天灰灰朦朧
    指尖在鍵盤游走 陌生的人在說Hello
    腦袋瓜期待轉動 傷口等著時間賄賂
    人墮落 玩墮落

    不同的時間 不同的地點
    失落的瞬間 遺憾的殘念
    禿鷹在嗜血 烏鴉在盤旋
    牛頭 馬面 走向前的嘴臉

    習慣性的夜半鐘 敲破了天灰灰朦朧
    指尖在鍵盤游走 陌生的人在說Hello
    腦袋瓜期待轉動 傷口等著時間賄賂
    人墮落 玩墮落

    不同的時間 不同的地點
    失落的瞬間 遺憾的殘念
    禿鷹在嗜血 烏鴉在盤旋
    牛頭 馬面 走向前的嘴臉

  10. 觀看影片 暨南國際大學 張鳳玲 盧奕苓 《一千英哩》

    10.暨南國際大學 張鳳玲 盧奕苓 《一千英哩》

    當我想起你 我可以感覺到you are smiling
    Even我習慣了自己看電影 枕頭當做你


    A thousand miles away
    I can see your face through the shining stars under the same sky

    A thousand miles away
    Maybe my tears can still fall on your shoulder

    A thousand miles away
    I've try so hard but not to know If you're there

    A thousand miles can I still hold you tight

    時間的刻度 在陌生城市 計算著思念的長度
    擁抱的溫度 變成了期待 圈成幸福

    就像此刻 同片星空的擁抱

  11. 觀看影片 逢甲大學 黃詩晴 胡峻豪 洪煜翔 蔡詒軒 陳元元 卓廷芳 王昭勝 《他舉起右手點名》

    11.逢甲大學 黃詩晴 胡峻豪 洪煜翔 蔡詒軒 陳元元 卓廷芳 王昭勝 《他舉起右手點名》










    「גאולה... סליחה... תשובה...」「ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ 」


  12. 觀看影片 高雄應用科技大學 康晏綸 黃偉銘 高如穎 鄭傑仁 《Little Talk》

    12.高雄應用科技大學 康晏綸 黃偉銘 高如穎 鄭傑仁 《Little Talk》

    Hey! Hey! Hey!
    I don't like walking around this old and empty house
    So hold my hand, I'll walk with you, my dear
    [Video version:] The stairs creak as you sleep, it's keeping me awake
    [Live version:] The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake
    It's the house telling you to close your eyes

    And some days I can't even dress myself
    It's killing me to see you this way

    'Cause though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Hey! Hey! Hey!

    There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back
    Well tell her that I miss our little talks
    Soon it will be over and buried with our past
    We used to play outside when we were young
    And full of life and full of love.

    [Video version:] Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right
    [Live version:] Some days I feel like I'm wrong when I'm right
    Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear

    'Cause though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Don't listen to a word I say
    The screams all sound the same

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore


    You're gone, gone, gone away
    I watched you disappear
    All that's left is the ghost of you.
    Now we're torn, torn, torn apart,
    There's nothing we can do
    Just let me go we'll meet again soon
    Now wait, wait, wait for me
    Please hang around
    I'll see you when I fall asleep

    Don't listen to a word I say
    The screams all sound the same
    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Don't listen to a word I say
    The screams all sound the same

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

  13. 觀看影片 東海大學 蔡岳呈 莫傑宇 《歌手與模特兒》

    13.東海大學 蔡岳呈 莫傑宇 《歌手與模特兒》

    我終於跑了去唱歌 我不會感到了不得
    我只是繼續給予自己快樂 我只是進了這圈子叫娛樂
    你說我 變了 變了 變了 變了 變明星了

    那為甚麼你 立即把你素瞼塗了一個五光十色
    那為甚麼你 當起了模特兒

    我用喉嚨把自己的感情表達 你用你身體表演著別人的風格
    你為了讓我倆好像天造地設 WO......

    我為你寫了一首歌 可是你完全認不得
    還問我是用心送給誰的 我只好敷衍你是寫給歌迷的
    我說你 變了 變了 變了 變了 我快死了

    那為甚麼你 立即把你素瞼塗了一個五光十色
    那為甚麼你 當起了模特兒

    我用喉嚨把自己的感情表達 你用你身體表演著別人的風格
    你為了讓我倆好像天造地設 WO......
    我的天啦 你的眼蓋變深了 可是 你的眼光變淺了
    你指甲 把我抓得過緊啦 我也沒夢想灸手可熱 YEAH
    我只寫寫歌 唱唱歌 給你聽 怕甚麼

    我用喉嚨把自己的感情表達 你用你身體表演著別人的風格
    你為了讓我倆好像天造地設 WO......

  14. 觀看影片 高雄師範大學 廖顯邦 潘青松 郭力宇 許順智 《hellow》

    14.高雄師範大學 廖顯邦 潘青松 郭力宇 許順智 《hellow》

    Wow girl 妳那雙漂亮的大眼睛
    唉呦威呀 是什麼原因盯著我目不轉睛
    妳的靠近 怎麼讓我緊張得快要喘不過氣
    怎麼辦 怎麼辦 是不是我也只能看著辦

    Then we say hellow hellow hellow 我們講話有點不投機
    You say 抱我 抱我 抱我 抱緊我一切就會沒問題
    I say 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 這一切會不會太順利
    管不著你真的是喜歡我 還是失控的內分泌
    沖昏思緒 誰都可以 今晚限定
    Hellow hellow I want see you tomorrow

    Hey girl 妳那雙迷人的大眼睛
    三天兩頭 就會出現 出現在我的夢境
    我才發現 無法停止 停止心中那道漣漪
    這樣吧 別掙扎 見到妳或許就會有答案

    Hellow hellow hellow 我們其實沒太多交集
    I just follow follow follow follow all the feeling I can feel
    You say I know I know I know
    Because you know I love you so
    擁有了九十九分的熱情 剩下百分之一的確定
    將妳抱緊 Yeah 別再懷疑 Yeah
    You're my baby Yeah
    Hellow hellow I can see you tomorrow

    Hellow hellow hellow 管他只是突然的念頭
    曾經哭過痛過傷過 在妳之後一切都沒什麼
    拜託別想太多 太多 敢愛就不需考慮後果
    就算找不到任何的理由 我也要陪妳到永久

    Da la la la la la
    Da la la la la la
    Da la la la la la
    Da la la la la la
    Da la la la la la
    Da la la la la la
    Da la la la la la
    Hellow hellow right now here we go

  15. 觀看影片 中國文化大學 黃宇寒 黃柏韶 《Holes in my pocket》

    15.中國文化大學 黃宇寒 黃柏韶 《Holes in my pocket》

    I know a man with nothing in his hands, nothing but a rolling stone
    He told me about when his house burnt down, and he lost everything he owned
    He lay asleep for six whole weeks, they were gonna ask his mother to choose
    When he woke up with nothing he said I'll tell you something
    When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose

    Now I've got a hole in my pocket, a hole in my shirt, a whole lot of trouble, he said
    But now the money is gone, life carries on and I miss it like a hole in the head

    I know a woman with kids around her ankles and a baby on her lap
    She said one day her husband went to get a paper and the motherfucker never came back
    Mortgage to pay and four kids to raise, but keeping the wolf from the door
    She said the wolf's just a puppy and the door's double locked so why you gotta worry me for

    Now he left a in hole in my heart a hole in a promise a hole on the side of my bed
    Oh now that he's gone well life carries on and I miss him like a hole in the head

    Well sometimes you can't change and you can't choose
    And sometimes it seems you gain less than you lose

    Now we've got holes in our hearts, yeah we've got holes in our lives
    Where we've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

    Where we've got holes in our hearts, yeah we've got holes in our lives
    Where we've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

    Said we've got holes in our hearts, yeah we've got holes in our lives
    Where we've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

    Said we've got holes in our hearts, we've got holes in our lives
    We've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

    Said we've got holes in our hearts, we've got holes in our lives
    We've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

    Said we've got holes in our hearts, yeah we've got holes in our lives
    Where we've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

  16. 觀看影片 美和科技大學 劉至剛 王競霆 林志穎 《姐姐x再見》

  17. 觀看影片 高雄海洋科技大學 楊季庭 廖翊均 王振宇 吳俊達 劉宜安 張洧誠《I See Fire》

    17.高雄海洋科技大學 楊季庭 廖翊均 王振宇 吳俊達 劉宜安 張洧誠《I See Fire》

    Oh, misty eye of the mountain below
    Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls
    And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke
    Keep watching over Durin's sons

    If this is to end in fire
    Then we should all burn together
    Watch the flames climb high into the night

    Calling out father oh
    Stand by and we will
    Watch the flames burn auburn on
    The mountain side

    And if we should die tonight
    Then we should all die together
    Raise a glass of wine for the last time

    Calling out father oh
    Prepare as we will
    Watch the flames burn auburn on
    The mountain side
    Desolation comes upon the sky

    Now I see fire
    Inside the mountain
    I see fire
    Burning the trees
    And I see fire
    Hollowing souls
    I see fire
    Blood in the breeze
    And I hope that you remember me

    Oh, should my people fall
    Then surely I'll do the same
    Confined in mountain halls
    We got too close to the flame

    Calling out father oh
    Hold fast and we will
    Watch the flames burn auburn on
    The mountain side
    Desolation comes upon the sky

    Now I see fire
    Inside the mountain
    I see fire
    Burning the trees
    I see fire
    Hollowing souls
    I see fire
    Blood in the breeze
    And I hope that you remember me

    And if the night is burning
    I will cover my eyes
    For if the dark returns
    Then my brothers will die
    And as the sky is falling down
    It crashed into this lonely town
    And with that shadow upon the ground
    I hear my people screaming out

    Now I see fire
    Inside the mountains
    I see fire
    Burning the trees
    I see fire
    Hollowing souls
    I see fire
    Blood in the breeze

    I see fire (oh you know I saw a city burning out) (fire)
    And I see fire (feel the heat upon my skin, yeah) (fire)
    And I see fire (uh-uh-uh-uh) (fire)
    And I see fire burn auburn on the mountain side

  18. 屏東大學 張淯柔 陳世鈺 陳宥任 田家駿 《Rock N Roll& blank space》

  19. 觀看影片 雲林科技大學 張雅禎 洪妤蓁 柯君達 徐立凡 蔡傑宇 《異類》

    19.雲林科技大學 張雅禎 洪妤蓁 柯君達 徐立凡 蔡傑宇 《異類》

    跟著我fight against the world


    哦哎哦 我根本不受誰的威脅
    哦哎哦 隨時準備跟強者對決
    哦哎哦 把對我的質疑和誣陷都毀滅

    這放縱的感覺 超越一切不再膽怯
    不需要你們的理解 我不想看別再廢話 趁早都消失在眼前

    哦哎哦 我不在意流言蜚語
    哦哎哦 也不屑人們的非議
    哦哎哦 規則全都被我廢棄

    跟著我跟著我 跟著我fight against the world

    跟著我跟著我 跟著我大聲地尖叫

    哦哎哦 我根本不受誰的威脅
    哦哎哦 隨時準備跟強者對決
    哦哎哦 把對我的質疑和誣陷都毀滅

    這放縱的感覺 超越一切不再膽怯
    不需要你們的理解 我不想看別再廢話 趁早都消失在眼前

    哦哎哦 我不在意流言蜚語
    哦哎哦 也不屑人們的非議
    哦哎哦 規則全都被我廢棄

    當聽到我撕裂的聲音 超越一切不再膽怯
    不需要你們的理解 我不想看別再廢話 趁早都消失在眼前
    超越一切不再膽怯 不需要你們的理解
    我不想看別再廢話 趁早都消失在眼前

    哦哎哦 我不在意流言蜚語
    哦哎哦 也不屑人們的非議
    哦哎哦 規則全都被我廢棄

  20. 觀看影片 中國文化大學 羅偉軒 吳凱銓 《yellow》

    20.中國文化大學 羅偉軒 吳凱銓 《yellow》

    Look at the stars,
    Look how they shine for you,
    And everything you do,
    Yeah, they were all yellow.

    I came along,
    I wrote a song for you,
    And all the things you do,
    And it was called "Yellow".

    So then I took my turn,
    Oh what a thing to have done,
    And it was all yellow.

    Your skin,
    Oh yeah your skin and bones,
    Turn into something beautiful,
    Do you know,
    You know I love you so,
    You know I love you so.

    I swam across,
    I jumped to cross for you,
    Oh what a thing to do.
    'Cause you were all yellow,

    I drew a line,
    I drew a line for you,
    Oh what a thing to do,
    And it was all yellow.

    Your skin,
    Oh yeah your skin and bones,
    Turn into something beautiful,
    Do you know,
    For you I'd bleed myself dry,
    For you I'd bleed myself dry.

    It's true,
    Look how they shine for you,
    Look how they shine for you,
    Look how they shine for,
    Look how they shine for you,
    Look how they shine for you,
    Look how they shine.

    Look at the stars,
    Look how they shine for you,
    And all the things that you do.

  21. 觀看影片 勤益科技大學 徐偉翔 李茉 張邑 陳家維 鄭仲恆 《濕了分寸》

    Hey Lover
    我需要你的吻 讓我不那麼冰冷
    親愛的 我破碎的靈魂 因你才得以完整
    可你能不能 讓我變成 能與你平等的共存
    哪怕 只一瞬


    不會再忍 我要主宰我付諸給你的

    愛 讓一切全都失去分寸
    喔愛 慢慢陷入我的
    愛 帶給你的迷惘和沉淪
    別擔心我會心疼 怎麼心疼
    因我的心 早就碎了

    Fuck you
    你那濕潤的唇 溫存過幾塊肉身

    遮掩你醜惡 照亮我愚蠢

    你不是神 別再主宰我付諸給你的

    愛 讓我的一切失去分寸
    喔愛 就像是跌入漩渦般的
    愛 帶給我的迷惘和沉淪
    明明我心都碎了 怎麼還會心疼

    我恨我的天真 我恨我的單純
    我恨我的無能 太犧牲
    我恨你的快樂 我恨你的邪惡
    我恨你的殘忍 我恨我還是


  22. 觀看影片 台北市立大學 廖珮君 方爾瑄 陳妍竹《我把我的青春給你》

    22.台北市立大學 廖珮君 方爾瑄 陳妍竹《我把我的青春給你》

    與你共存 才有意義



    遇見了你 必須愛你

    與你共存 才有意義



    遇見了你 必須愛你


  23. 觀看影片 東華大學 林晉賢 李文琦 《年輪說》

    23.東華大學 林晉賢 李文琦 《年輪說》

    看 回憶這把刀
    切開我身體 研究我的風雨
    這圈是我 那圈是你 開過心的開心
    看 成長的痕跡
    包裹我生命 篆刻我的章印
    計算著我 計算著你 過不去的過去

    一是嬰兒哭啼 二是學遊戲
    三是青春物語 四是碰巧遇見你
    了解這個你 沉迷這個你
    時間暫停 再繼續

    十是寂寞夜裡 百是懷了疑
    千是掙扎夢醒 萬是鐵心離開你
    經歷這個你 活成這個我 細數自己

    聽 遠方的信號
    痛過的美麗 仍將冉冉升起
    想起的我 想起了你 難跨過的難過
    聽 發出的警告
    餘燼的煙蒂 仍將燃燒思念
    燒毀了我 燒毀了你 未到來的未來

    一是嬰兒哭啼 二是學遊戲
    三是青春物語 四是碰巧遇見你
    了解這個你 沉迷這個你
    時間暫停 再繼續

    十是寂寞夜裡 百是懷了疑
    千是掙扎夢醒 萬是鐵心離開你
    經歷這個你 活成這個我 細數自己

  24. 觀看影片 高雄大學 吳奕凱 張暘昇 黎碧琪 《你啊你啊》

    24.高雄大學 吳奕凱 張暘昇 黎碧琪 《你啊你啊》



    欸嗚欸嗚欸欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶咦耶欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶咦耶欸 嗚喔喔 喔
    欸嗚欸嗚欸欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶咦耶欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶嘿 嗚喔喔喔

    咁講你不知我愛的只有你 你啊你啊
    一個兩個三個 你愛的到底有幾個
    我的心就要 痛甲一直流血

    欸嗚欸嗚欸欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶咦耶欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶咦耶欸 嗚喔喔 喔
    欸嗚欸嗚欸欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶咦耶欸 嗚嗚嗚喔喔
    咦耶嘿 嗚喔喔喔

    咁講你不知我愛的只有你 你啊你啊
    一個兩個三個 你愛的到底有幾個
    我的心就要 痛甲一直流血

    咁講你不知我愛的只有你 你啊你啊
    一天兩天三天 駕快你就愛著別人
    想欲甲你作伙 想欲你是我的


  25. 觀看影片 義守大學 金宏權 卓容霆 李居霖 董宗品 《voodoo child》

    25.義守大學 金宏權 卓容霆 李居霖 董宗品 《voodoo child》

    Well, I stand up next to a mountain
    And I chop it down with the edge of my hand
    Well, I stand up next to a mountain
    Chop it down with the edge of my hand
    Well, I pick up all the pieces and make an island
    Might even raise just a little sand
    'Cause I'm a voodoo child
    Lord knows I'm a voodoo child

    I didn't mean to take you up all your sweet time
    I'll give it right back to you one of these days
    I said, I didn't mean to take you up all your sweet time
    I'll give it right back to you one of these days
    And if I don't meet you no more in this world
    Then I'll, I'll meet you in the next one
    And don't be late, don't be late
    'Cause I'm a voodoo child
    Lord knows I'm a voodoo child
    I'm a voodoo child

  26. 觀看影片 正修科技大學 李玄 余東泰 陳柏諺 遲名華 黃钲亦 《歸來》

    26.正修科技大學 李玄 余東泰 陳柏諺 遲名華 黃钲亦 《歸來》

    思緒溪澗般清澈 再見面煙霞般柔和

    只要思念不乾涸 青春就不褪色
    就要分別又怎樣 總有旋律在迴響
    如果有淚水在眼眶 我們依然還要唱

    翻越山 渡過河
    新鮮的 給你了
    我是眷戀故鄉的孩子 回來了

    讓我們 唱首歌 分享著
    這感情 是我的 是你的

    我們路上說好了 面對未來不忐忑
    人生能在這時候遊蕩 管它去哪個地方
    心裡有老繭 臉上有風霜

    如果命運曾經對你苛 不擔心 我在這
    誰有傷疤誰也不必遮 經過就 不怕了
    你的汗水讓我覺得渴 我乾了

    讓我們 唱首歌 分享著
    這感情 是我的 是你的

    翻越山 渡過河
    新鮮的 給你了
    如果命運曾經對你苛 不擔心 我在這
    誰有傷疤誰也不必遮 經過就 不怕了
    我是眷戀故鄉的孩子 回來了

  27. 觀看影片 中山大學 廖若帆 陳亦珊 蘇銘祥 李彥廷 郭丹婷 《Some nights》

    27.中山大學 廖若帆 陳亦珊 蘇銘祥 李彥廷 郭丹婷 《Some nights》

    Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck
    Some nights I call it a draw
    Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle
    Some nights I wish they'd just fall off

    But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
    Oh, Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for oh
    Whoa oh oh (What do I stand for?)
    Whoa oh oh (What do I stand for?)
    Most nights I don't know anymore...
    Oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, oh,
    Oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, oh

    This is it, boys, this is war - what are we waiting for?
    Why don't we break the rules already?
    I was never one to believe the hype
    Save that for the black and white
    I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked,
    But here they come again to jack my style

    That's alright (that's alright)
    I found a martyr in my bed tonight
    She stops my bones from wondering just who I am, who I am, who I am
    Oh, who am I? Mmm... Mmm...

    Well, some nights I wish that this all would end
    'Cause I could use some friends for a change.
    And some nights I'm scared you'll forget me again
    Some nights I always win, I always win...

    But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
    Oh, Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh
    Whoa oh oh (What do I stand for?)
    Whoa oh oh (What do I stand for?)
    Most nights I don't know... (oh, come on)

    So this is it. I sold my soul for this?
    Washed my hands of that for this?
    I miss my mom and dad for this?

    (Come on)

    No. When I see stars, when I see, when I see stars, that's all they are
    When I hear songs, they sound like a swan, so come on.
    Oh, come on. Oh, come on. Oh, come on!

    Well, that is it guys, that is all - five minutes in and I'm bored again
    Ten years of this, I'm not sure if anybody understands
    This one is not for the folks at home;
    Sorry to leave, mom, I had to go
    Who the fuck wants to die alone all dried up in the desert sun?

    My heart is breaking for my sister and the con that she called "love"
    When I look into my nephew's eyes...
    Man, you wouldn't believe the most amazing things that can come from...
    Some terrible nights... ah...

    Oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, oh,
    Oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh, oh

    The other night you wouldn't believe the dream I just had about you and me
    I called you up but we'd both agree

    It's for the best you didn't listen
    It's for the best we get our distance... Oh...
    It's for the best you didn't listen
    It's for the best we get our distance... Oh...

  28. 觀看影片 東華大學 王奕策 張彧豪 劉奕堂 《Setsuna Trip》

    28.東華大學 王奕策 張彧豪 劉奕堂 《Setsuna Trip》

    1(ワン)、2(ツー)、準備 おっけー?
    1, 2, junbi okke?

    3, 4 de ketto ba*****e

    全部さ フイにしちゃったっていいじゃん?
    zenbu sa fui ni shichatta tte ii jan?

    douse nani ga kawaru wake ja aru maishi

    邁進! 発射オーライ、未来!
    maishin! hassha orai, mirai!

    Yeah! ステップあやふや どうしてルルリララ
    Yeah! suteppu ayafuya dou*****e rururirara

    mayotte itattesa, shoganai jan

    やめて あえて 攻めて 確かめて
    yamete aete zemete tashika mete

    meitei marude tarinai ya

    hajike dasu furezu toki hanatte

    hora hora tanoshii koto *****a mon gachi!

    探しにいくんだ セツナトリップ
    sagashi ni ikunda setsuna torippu

    飛べない わけない また内緒のハートに Dive!
    tobenai wakenai mata naisho no haato ni Dive!

    脇目も振らず 出たとこ勝負!
    wakime mo furazu deta toko shoubu!

    手痛い 停滞 撤退はしない
    te itai te itai tettai wa shinai

    生き急げ 全開少女
    iki isoge zenkai shoujo

    寝ても 覚めても その刹那 飼い馴らせ
    nete mo samete mo sono setsuna kai narase

    そろそろどうも 限界症状
    soro soro doumo genkai shoujou

    即効性の Trip に夢中
    sokkousei no Trip ni muchuu

    フワフワリ まだちょっと フラフラリ もうちょっと
    fuwa fuwari mada chotto fura furari mou chotto

    甘えてあらあら やっちゃったベイベー
    amaete ara ara yacchatta beibe

    kitto hattensei mo nani mo aru mai ni

    mainichi! kori nai naa……

    haya okuri no youni sugi yuku hibi

    まだまだあーやってこーやって 溺れたいんだ
    mada mada ayatte ko yatte obore tainda

    如何せん 不完全 トリップガール
    ikan sen fukanzen torippu gaaru

    代わる 代わる がなりたてる 現実(Real)を BANG!
    kawaru kawaru ga nari tateru riaru wo BANG!

    抗え きっと トリックがある
    aragae kitto torikku ga aru

    迷路 音色 夜色に紛れて
    meiro neiro yoiro ni magirete

    うら若き 明日ある少女
    ura wakaki asu aru shoujo

    寝たふり Free 耳を塞ぐ 「あー、聞こえなぁーい!」
    neta furi Free mimi wo fusagu「aa, kikoenai!」

    甘美なバンビーナ 夢見る少女
    kanbi na bambina yumemiru shoujo

    soko ni eien ga aruto shinjite

    頑張るだけ損じゃん なんとなく察しちゃうじゃん
    ganbaru dake sonjan nanto naku sa shichau jan

    umareta toki ni sa, kuba rarete ita te fuda ga

    弱かったら終わりだって 先なんて知れてるって
    yowakattara owari datte saki nante shireteru tte

    覆せやしないって! 「あ゛ー!もーっ!ギターッ!!」
    kutsu gaese yashina itte!「ah! mo! gita!!」

  29. 觀看影片 中國醫藥大學 梁嘉芸 鄭郁馨 謝翔宇 張筌 鄧長華 《No》

    29.中國醫藥大學 梁嘉芸 鄭郁馨 謝翔宇 張筌 鄧長華 《No》

    I think it's so cute and I think it's so sweet
    How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me
    But let me stop you there, oh, before you speak
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    First you gonna say
    You ain't runnin' game,
    Thinkin' I'm believing every word
    Call me beautiful,
    So original,
    Telling me I'm not like other girls

    I was in my zone
    Before you came along,
    Now I'm thinking maybe you should go
    Blah, blah, blah,
    I be like "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    All my ladies, listen up
    If that boy ain't giving up
    Lick your lips and swing your hips
    Girl, all you gotta say is...

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    Thank you in advance,
    I don't wanna dance (nope)
    I don't need your hands all over me
    If I want a man,
    Then I'mma get a man
    But it's never my priority

    I was in my zone,
    Before you came along,
    Don't want you to take this personal
    Blah, blah, blah,
    I be like "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    All my ladies, listen up
    If that boy ain't giving up
    Lick your lips and swing your hips
    Girl, all you gotta say is...

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling
    ("Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No")

    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling
    ("Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No")

    All my ladies, listen up
    If that boy ain't giving up
    Lick your lips and swing your hips
    Girl, all you gotta say is...

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    My name is "No"
    My sign is "No"
    My number is "No"
    You need to let it go
    You need to let it go
    Need to let it go
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No"

    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling untouchable, untouchable
    I'm feeling
    "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No", "No"

  30. 觀看影片 中國醫藥大學 楊博文 廖筠瑋 侯熙駿 吳哲宇 趙苡君 謝佩璇 《賊》

    30.中國醫藥大學 楊博文 廖筠瑋 侯熙駿 吳哲宇 趙苡君 謝佩璇 《賊》

    燈開著的 說在摸黑
    門開著的 說家不能歸
    早休息了 卻又說累
    早厭倦了 卻又拼命的挽回
    說你有多麼愛誰 騙誰

    捨不得呢 說別浪費
    輸不起呢 說怕會得罪
    把傷害都 變成誤會
    把是非都 變得沒人能意會
    暗地裡偷偷作祟 隱瞞誰

    不分青紅的喊賊 不分皂白的喊賊
    真相不是你玩得起 別太犯規

    別輕易的喊賊 沒證據的喊賊
    我從不將就隨之起舞 淪為你同類

  31. 觀看影片 成功大學 黃佳惠 謝文沛 林裘恩 潘巧思 黃顯堯 許雪芳 《Fire Under My Feet》

    31.成功大學 黃佳惠 謝文沛 林裘恩 潘巧思 黃顯堯 許雪芳 《Fire Under My Feet》

    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, you can't put out these flames
    You can't keep me down in my seat
    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, go get out of the blaze
    If you can't take the heat

    Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh...

    I tripped and I stumbled
    Watch my world crumble
    Sometimes you eat dirt
    You live and you learn

    Thrown in with the lions
    The tigers and titans
    Afraid to get hurt
    But now I'm making them purr

    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, you can't put out these flames
    You can't keep me down in my seat
    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, go get out of the blaze
    If you can't take the heat
    Oh... Oh...
    Oh... Oh...

    Was drowning in quicksand
    Nobody grabbed my hand
    Thought it'd bury me
    Instead, I'm set free

    Moving onto bigger things
    I began to spread my wings
    No longer in chains
    I'm dancing over these flames

    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, you can't put out these flames
    You can't keep me down in my seat
    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, go get out of the blaze
    If you can't take the heat
    Oh... Oh...
    I got, I got fire
    Oh... Oh...

    This may not be, not be perfect
    But I'm happy and I've earned it
    Every tear shed will be worth it
    Step by step, ain't looking back
    Got no regrets, cause I got

    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, you can't put out these flames
    You can't keep me down in my seat
    I got fire under my feet
    And I feel it in my heartbeat
    Oh, go get out of the blaze
    If you can't take the heat
    Oh... Oh
    Yeah Yeah Yeah
    I got fire
    I got fire

    Fire, fire
    Fire, fire
    Damn feeling

    Oh... Oh...

    You can't kill it, you can't keep it
    You can hold it, you can't harm it
    You can't kill it, you can't keep it

    Can't put out these flames

  32. 觀看影片 國立屏東科技大學 羅子恩 吳姿儀 鄭怡琳 何大雅 江克帆 張靜雯 《Bad Boy》

    國立屏東科技大學 羅子恩 吳姿儀 鄭怡琳 何大雅 江克帆 張靜雯 《Bad Boy》

    Remember the feelings, remember the day
    My stone heart was breaking
    My love ran away
    This moments I knew I would be someone else
    My love turned around and I fell
    Be my bad boy, be my man
    Be my week-end lover
    But don't be my friend
    You can be my bad boy
    But understand
    That I don't need you in my life again
    Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
    Be my week-end lover
    But don't be my friend
    You can be my bad boy
    But understand
    That I don't need you again
    No I don't need you again

    You once made this promise
    To stay by my side
    But after some time you just pushed me aside
    You never thought that a girl could be strong
    Now I'll show you how to go on

    Be my bad boy, be my man
    Be my week-end lover
    But don't be my friend
    You can be my bad boy
    But understand
    That I don't need you in my life again

    Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
    Be my week-end lover
    But don't be my friend
    You can be my bad boy
    But understand
    That I don't need you again
    No I don't need you again

  33. 觀看影片 亞東技術學院 何昱緯 劉鈞騏 《王妃》

    33.亞東技術學院 何昱緯 劉鈞騏 《王妃》

    搖晃的紅酒杯 嘴唇像染著鮮血
    那不尋常的美 難赦免的罪
    誰忠心的跟隨 充其量當個侍衛
    腳下踩著玫瑰 回敬一個吻當安慰

    像蠢動的音樂 教人們怎麼成眠
    不知名的香水 窒息的鬼魅
    鋒利的高跟鞋 讓多少心腸破碎
    彎刀一般的眉 捍衛你的秘密花園

    夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
    愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
    痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
    你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
    我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美

    那催情的音樂 聽起來多麼愚昧
    妳武裝的防備 傷你的是誰
    靠近我一點點 是不一樣的世界
    安睡在我的肩 我用生命為你加冕

    夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
    愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
    痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
    你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
    我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美

    夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
    愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
    痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
    你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
    我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美

  34. 觀看影片 嘉南藥理大學 藍子淳 賴冠均 洪毓萱 田元易 李崇銘 劉顓瑋 《狼》

    34.嘉南藥理大學 藍子淳 賴冠均 洪毓萱 田元易 李崇銘 劉顓瑋 《狼》

    月光下 一個人 踏上這趟陌生的旅程
    引路人 已犧牲 成了夜裡嗜血的靈魂

    搖曳的不是風聲 是先行者的悔恨
    曾經純粹的獵人 變成被獵捕的人

    我害怕 一到月圓時分 一轉身 一閃神 一下失去了方寸
    別害怕 別害怕 還有一盞燈 還有一
    還有一盞燈 還有人倖存 還有人倖存 還沒有沉淪
    我害怕 光芒不再沸騰 那飢餓的眼神 將我生剝活吞
    恨不得 恨不得 啃得一點不剩 將我徹底摧毀成人

    雪地上 一個吻 難道野獸還眷戀純真
    夜色像 一堵墳 星宿是不瞑目的淚痕

    尋求喘息的體溫 不在意湖水冰冷
    湖面倒映的標本 是誰熟悉的人 墮落到六親不認

    我害怕 一到月圓時分 一轉身 一閃神 一下失去了方寸
    別害怕 別害怕 還有一盞燈 還有一
    還有一盞燈 還有人倖存 還有人倖存 還沒有沉淪
    我害怕 光芒不再沸騰 那飢餓的眼神 將我生剝活吞
    恨不得 恨不得 啃得一點不剩 將我徹底摧毀成人

    我害怕 一到月圓時分 一轉身 一閃神 一下失去了方寸
    別害怕 別害怕 還有一盞燈 還有一
    還有一盞燈 還有人倖存 還有人倖存 還沒有沉淪
    我害怕 光芒不再沸騰 那飢餓的眼神 將我生剝活吞
    恨不得 恨不得 啃得一點不剩 將我徹底摧毀成人

  35. 觀看影片 龍華科技大學 許淨淳 許淯全 李偉聖 蔡守晟《愛是懷疑》

    35.龍華科技大學 許淨淳 許淯全 李偉聖 蔡守晟《愛是懷疑》

    若能表白 我心中的依賴
    若能敞開 把真相說出來

    種種意外 若能夠明白
    若能推猜 這一切的未來

    Because 愛是妒忌 愛是懷疑
    Because 愛是遊戲 愛能叛逆
    So 別把這遊戲看得太仔細 No No

    若能表白 我心中的依賴
    若能敞開 把真相說出來

    種種意外 若能夠明白
    若能推猜 這一切的未來

    Because 愛是妒忌 愛是懷疑
    Because 愛是遊戲 愛能叛逆
    So 別把這遊戲看得太仔細 No No

    Because 愛是妒忌 愛是懷疑
    Because 愛是遊戲 And 愛能叛逆
    So 別把這遊戲看得太仔細

    Because 愛是妒忌 愛是懷疑
    Because 愛是遊戲 And 愛能叛逆
    So 別把這遊戲看得太仔細

    Because 愛是妒忌 愛是懷疑
    Because 愛是遊戲 And 愛能叛逆
    So 別把這遊戲看得太仔細

  36. 觀看影片 逢甲大學 戴君凌 陳東輝 謝欣蓉 陳奕誠 萬栩峰 《為自己開心》

    36.逢甲大學 戴君凌 陳東輝 謝欣蓉 陳奕誠 萬栩峰 《為自己開心》

    嘿 你別掉下眼淚
    嘿 你別再心灰

    我喜歡現在的你 就是你 (就是我)

    嘿 你別掉下眼淚
    嘿 你別再心灰

  37. 觀看影片 中山大學 莊凱婷 陳遠 王泓閔 彭政博 許芳寧 《Gravity》

    37.中山大學 莊凱婷 陳遠 王泓閔 彭政博 許芳寧 《Gravity》

    Do you remember feeling invincible?
    When there was trouble it was us against the world
    We kept running, running through the night
    Chasing the sun 'til anything felt right

    Can you save me now?
    I get lost up in the clouds
    Can you save me now?
    You were my gravity
    Can you save me now?
    When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds
    Save me now
    You were my gravity
    Now my world is shattering

    Ooooh, you were my gravity
    Ooooh, you were my gravity

    You left me out there with no one but myself
    In an open field for the lightning to strike me down
    I was the moon, you were the sun
    I can't seem to shine now that you're gone
    Now I'm out of orbit cause you left without warning
    Are you somewhere better now?

    Can you save me now?
    I get lost up in the clouds
    Can you save me now?
    You were my gravity
    Can you save me now?
    When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds
    Save me now
    You were my gravity
    Now my world is shattering

    Ooooh, you were my gravity
    Ooooh, you were my gravity

    When you went away, thought I'd never be the same
    Would the nightmare ever end?
    If I could do it again I wouldn't change a thing 'cause it's made me who I am

    And now I'm shattering

    Can you save me now?
    When the ground drops out I get lost up in the clouds
    Save me now
    You were my gravity
    Can you save me now?
    When the ground drops out I get lost up in the clouds
    Save me now
    You were my gravity
    Now my world is shattering

    Ooooh, now my world is shattering
    Ooooh, you were my gravity

  38. 觀看影片 國立臺中科技大學 謝沛汶 梁右妮 凃孟辰 盧楷瑜 廖力昀《帶你去兜風》

    38.國立臺中科技大學 謝沛汶 梁右妮 凃孟辰 盧楷瑜 廖力昀《帶你去兜風》

    像生命每分鐘 喔 帶你去兜風
    愛~ 帶你去兜風 心態有兩種
    歡樂或苦痛 結局會不同

    像生命每分鐘 喔 帶你去兜風
    愛~ 帶你去兜風 心態有兩種
    歡樂或苦痛 結局會不同

    生命每一分鐘 都有如兜風
    愛~ 帶你去兜風
    這感覺我懂 微笑最管用
    結局會不同 世界也不同
    Yeah Yeah Yeah 喔
    世界跟著不同 就等你笑容

  39. 觀看影片 中國醫藥大學 林孟璇 王秉濂 張煥崢 黃渝傑 陳葶《馬蘭姑娘》

    39.中國醫藥大學 林孟璇 王秉濂 張煥崢 黃渝傑 陳葶《馬蘭姑娘》

    Inaaw hay ya amaaw
    Sololen kako ina
    Matini similicayay ko wawa no tao
    To tireng ako ina
    Ano caay kamo pisolol to tiring ako ina
    Omaan say ko pinang ko nika patay
    Makinatolo toloan no kasoling


  40. 觀看影片 成功大學 詹奕瑄 許栢韶 黃建雄 洪毓陽 黃鈺茹 陳葶芸 《Treasure》

    40.成功大學 詹奕瑄 許栢韶 黃建雄 洪毓陽 黃鈺茹 陳葶芸 《Treasure》

    Baby squirrel, you’s a sexy motherfucker

    Give me your, give me your, give me your attention, baby
    I gotta tell you a little something about yourself
    You're wonderful, flawless, ooh, you're a sexy lady
    But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else

    (Oh whoa-oh-oh)
    I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine (fine, so fine)
    (Oh whoa-oh-oh)
    Oh girl, I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine (mine, oh mine)

    Treasure, that is what you are
    Honey, you're my golden star
    You know you can make my wish come true
    If you let me treasure you
    If you let me treasure you


    Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, you should be smiling
    A girl like you should never look so blue
    You're everything I see in my dreams
    I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true

    (Oh whoa-oh-oh)
    I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine (fine, so fine)
    (Oh whoa-oh-oh)
    Oh girl, I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine (mine, oh mine)

    Treasure, that is what you are
    Honey, you're my golden star
    You know you can make my wish come true
    If you let me treasure you
    If you let me treasure you


    You are my treasure, you are my treasure
    You are my treasure, yeah, you, you, you, you are
    You are my treasure, you are my treasure
    You are my treasure, yeah, you, you, you, you are

    Treasure, that is what you are
    Honey, you're my golden star
    You know you could make my wish come true
    If you let me treasure you
    If you let me treasure you


  41. 觀看影片 台中教育大學 周健瑜 林昱君 曾翔 林蕙君 林嘉恩 涂宇舜《空頭支票》

    41.台中教育大學 周健瑜 林昱君 曾翔 林蕙君 林嘉恩 涂宇舜《空頭支票》



    來 最好的時代
    世界變幻 人們卻在變壞


    來 最好的時代
    世界變幻 人們卻在變壞

    來 最好的時代

    愛 愛在胸口 在前方 在心臟 在深處
    愛 在過往 在之間 在手上
    緊握著 愛
    喔愛 要跟我來

    來 最好的時代

    來 最好的時代

